5 Latest American Military Technologies : Global geopolitical tensions have once again forced the United States military to develop new weapons. America even spent nearly 80 billion US dollars or approximately Rp. 130 trillion this year to make new weapons, defense systems and other equipment. The budget increased 5% from last year.
Other weapons used to restore old technology and explore new discoveries in science and security come from defense contractors, university laboratories, and small technology startups with big goals.
1. Bullets that can bend
Equipped with technology in the form of a small sensor, the 50 caliber bullet being developed can change direction quickly in the air, and even has the potential to provide sniper-like accuracy, with the ability to hit moving targets easily. Not knowing exactly how the bullet changed its flight path.
2. Unmanned Submarine Hunter
More and more countries are deploying silent submarines that can lurk undetected near shore. This prospect worried officials in the defense sector who were working on the Anti Submarine Warfare Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel (ACTUV) aka Sea Hunter, so they created an unmanned submarine hunter.
3. Laser Guns
This iconic sci-fi weapon is getting closer to reality. The navy’s trials of a laser weapon system on the USS Ponce in the Persian Gulf went smoothly. Meanwhile, the US Army is working on a truck-mounted laser that could repel threats such as mortars or drones. This technology has the catchy name of a high-energy laser mobile demonstrator.
4. Plasma Shield
Boeing has filed a patent for a system that would protect vehicles from damage from explosions by creating a plasma field. The idea was to create ionized airfields that would deflect incoming blasts. But what they can’t do is stop incoming projectiles like rocket-propelled grenades or anti-tank missiles.
5. Satellite Hunter
A program funded by DAPRA with Northrop Gurmman and Raytheon is developing a satellite that will be designed to hunt and track enemy defense satellites. If done well and correctly, this will work by simple physics, reflecting sunlight at an enemy satellite for several weeks, and will also heat the opponent’s satellite enough to cause it to fall out of orbit and burn up on re-entry into the upper stratosphere.